Anyone interested in Amateur Radio is welcome to join the Santa Clarita Amateur Radio Club. Dues are $25.00 per year, payable in January of each year.
Membership is on a calendar year basis, and there are reduced rates for new members joining after March ($18.75 if joining in April through June, $12.50 if joining in July through September, and $6.25 if joining October through December).
A family rate of $30.00 provides for all members of a household to be members.
Seniors (60 and over) may join for $15 and Youths (under the age of 18) may join for free.
The membership application form to the right is available for CY 2024. Please fill it out, attach your check and send it to the SCARC Treasurer at the address listed.
Santa Clarita Amateur Radio Club
Post Office Box 801524
Santa Clarita, CA 91380-1524