
Please join the Santa Clarita Amateur Radio Club (SCARC) on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, except for the December holiday dinner. Our December meeting is being replaced by our annual Holiday Dinner. This year the dinner is being held on December 5th, at Rattler’s Restaurant. It will be held between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Rattler’s is located 26495 Golden Valley Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91351.

Our regular meeting schedule will resume after the new year. Our Board meeting and monthly club meeting are located at the Santa Clarita Senior Center, near Old Downtown Newhall, 22900 Market St. Santa Clarita, CA 91321-3609. We meet in the conference room on the West side of the facility.

Attendance is Free! Be sure to contact SCARC President Todd Hitzeroth N6ZXJ , for more information. Email is the best way to get a quick response! See the BOD page for email addresses.

Amateur Radio License Exams
Sessions are held on the 3rd Saturday of every odd month (January, March, May, July, September, and November) at the Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center – Room A6.

If you wish to take a test, you need to contact Ron Klein, K6VPV by telephone (661) 259-0948 at least five days before the testing session. This is so that we can have the necessary forms and testing materials ready for you and so that you can be informed on what you need to bring with you.

Check back soon for our next session.

Why should I get licensed? Click here.

T-hunts are tentative. If we get a few people who want to hunt we’ll have one.  Check back soon for information about a hunt this month.

For more info on T-Hunts you can contact Danny, W6DDW @ 661-296-2339. Click Here for details such as meeting time and location.

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